Sunday, March 04, 2007

Where I'm from...

I am from a road that bears my name, from walks to the branch for the sunrise, and across the pasture to my Grandparents' house.
I am from the old home place, already full of memories and love when my parents moved in.
I am from the fresh air, the silence of open land.
I am from opening at least one present on Christmas Eve (usually more) and long toes, from Goodwin and Fowler and knowing the cars we met in the road.
I am from the opinionated (that’s not always negative) and determined.
From "don’t read while you’re walking" and "there’s nothing in the dark that isn’t there in the light".
I am from Southern Baptist through and through. Of old time hymns and having every important memory in one church. Births, baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
I am from the South, fresh ground sausage and milk straight from Betty cow strained through a cloth diaper.
From the "my Papa made a watermill and powered their house himself", the Fowler Quartet and Doodle’s Store, and the "so your Grandpa is Andy – I know him".
I am from a people that knew where they had been and where they were going. A family that welcomes yet another member until we reach almost 50 in the "immediate" family.
I am from a road that bears my name. Even though my feet have left from time to time, my heart never will.

No, I didn't really write this - it was a template from somewhere else and you had to fill in your own memories. I was fun to do though!

If you don't know where you were or where you are, how will you know where you're going?