Thursday, October 05, 2006

Language Lessons

My good friend Mihaela, who is one of the moms at gymnastics, asked me if we would like to come to her house for English lessons. I told her I already knew English! Ha - she's a little unsure of my "humor".

She speaks excellent English and is my main interpreter at gymnastics although, most of the adults and all the older students speak some. Gabi, her husband, speaks a little English as well. They have two children, a 9 year old son and a 5 year old daughter. She has hired a lady to come to their house for private English lessons.

She invited us so we will hear the Romanian and English together and to give them a couple of native English speakers. Stephen and Maria are very excited since they both learn new languages very quickly.

We went last night for the first class. It was fun and we learned quite a few vocabulary words. Well, Steve and Maria learned quite a few. I smiled a lot. Language just isn't my thing!

Steve is very good about making the other kids try it - lots of times. The little girl finally moved away from him since he kept making her say stuff in English! It was too funny.

We are going again tonight and my goal is to learn how to ask, "are you getting off at the next stop?". After almost getting stuck on a bus two days in a row, I am very motivated to learn this phrase! I'm not sure how I will work eyebrow (a word from last night) into conversation. ;)