This is a rambling blog post from my heart with no "real" news, happenings, pictures, or Romanian culture. Read on if you desire!
Since coming to Romania and starting a blog of my own, I have taken to reading lots of varying blogs from others. I think the reasons for this are multiple:
1 - There just isn't an abundance of reading material in English and in the states I average around 2-3 books a week!
2 - I am fascinated to see what others are putting on their blogs and what I find interesting.
3 - It is a way to connect with other homeschooling moms since I miss my support group.
I was reading a blog from a lady named
Spunky. This Christian mom causes me to think outside my comfort zone and steps on my toes every once in a while. Anyway, I was reading her take on the school shootings this past week, especially the one in the Amish school house. I confess I am secretly enthralled with this lifestyle and read about them, fiction and non, quite a bit.
On this blog there was a comment from another reader wondering why the girls seem to be singled out. The response that stunned me the most was that since feminism and the goal of "equality" had taken away the respect and authority that the Lord has given the men, the men are lashing back. This made me pause. The post caused me to reflect on TV and the garbage that is there. In most families depicted, the husband is certainly not in authority. He is portrayed as another child for the wife to care for, along with all the other chores of the household.
The Lord then "two-stepped" me by way of an article in World Magazine entitled
"The vanishing schoolboy" by Janie Cheaney. I think He has been nudging me to give Him the glory for what he has worked in my life and family.
In this article she states how our education system and I would add our public opinion in general has elevated girls above boys. Now don't get me wrong I don't believe women are inferior to men but we are certainly not equal. I, for one, do NOT wish to be. At one time I did. Thank you Lord for opening my eyes and heart to Your way!
She goes on to say that men are created to lead. I love this quote, "'Many are the plans in the mind of man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand' (Proverbs 19:21). Be not deceived; God is not mocked, and nature is not thwarted. In government and in crime, at the box office and on the streets, in heroic rescues and in shooting sprees, men lead. And will continue to lead, one way or another." Basically we can train our boys to lead us to victory or to chaos. But either way it is the men that will lead. She refers to men as drivers and women as stablizers. I find this to be very true for our family.
I know this has absolutely NOTHING to do with Bucharest but this topic has been on my heart for about 2 weeks and I'm tired of hashing it out in my mind. While walking the streets and riding the public there is lots of time to think. I guess it started when a song was on the bus radio from a rough time in my life and I started thinking about how far the Lord has brought me.
I think this list sums it up:
Age 10, Parents had authority and I accepted it, blessings and contentment
Age 15, Parents had authority and I rejected it, anxiety and discontentment
Age 20, Parents had authority and I ignored it, worldly blessings and strife
Age 25, Husband had authority and neither of us acknowledged it, worldly blessings and stress
Age 30, Husband had authority and I tenitively accepted it, blessings from the Lord beginning to unfold in our lives, peace and happiness in our home
Age 35 (really 34.5), Husband has authority and I rejoice in it, blessings flow straight from my Lord through my husband to me, contentment in all things.
I grew up in the "equal partnership in marriage" age. I thought that was what I desired for my life. I was so wrong! My husband cherishes me and loves me as Christ loves the Church, and let me tell you some days that is a tall order. I respect and accept his authority. At one time I believed that would diminish my "standing" as an intelligent person. When I accept Stephen's leadership I also accept the perfect path that the Lord has ordained for me. What could be better?
Now I'm raising a daughter. We are teaching her about what the Word says about authority. It's not about power and control, its about lining up where the Lord has placed you! I pray that somewhere, someone is teaching her future husband about Biblical authority and how to effectively lead his family in their walk with the Lord.
I just wanted to take this "public" stand to thank my Lord for changing my view of authority. His way is always best and His will for our lives is always the right course for action!
For those of you that actually finished reading my ramblings, thank you. I'll get back on topic next time!