Sunday, April 01, 2007

Maria's 8th Birthday

We started the day by opening the last of the presents. They were matching t-shirts for her and her doll and two books. She's almost finished one of them! Yipee that means I can read it next.

Then we headed to church. It was a great sunny day so the kids were all running around outside after the service. From church, we headed straight to the Bucur's house. Today is also Florin's "name day" so they invited us to eat with them. The food was awesome. I love all the different ways that Romanians prepare vegetables. I seem to always just steam them, because it's quicker, but I think I'll start branching out some more. Mihaela had made the dish with leeks and tomatoes that was great. Of course there was a cabbage dish...there's always a cabbage dish here it seems. Potatoes too!

After leaving there we headed home and grabbed our rollerblades. Maria's birthday request was to rollerblade together. I managed to stay on my feet and out of the hospital so I would judge the afternoon a success!

We leave for Brussels on Friday so stay tuned for lots of posts this weekend!